My Journey with JMG PR: Officially a #PRGirl

As National Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close I thought it would be right to share my journey as a Dominican in NYC (there are a lot of us) with JMG PR.Like most aspiring publicists, everything started with an internship. I had the benefit of interning at JMG PR before working here. That is actually one of the best pieces of advice I can give anyone: if you’re lucky enough, intern at the place you want to work for. Lucky enough I was! Entering my internship at JMG PR I had previous experience, but nothing like what I was about to encounter. I was able to work with clients, create new ideas, and flex all my PR muscles. By “PR muscles” I mean event planning, social media management, work on all press materials like press releases, memos, competitor analysis’, and the list goes on. Now, I was also lucky enough to have PR-based classes in college (Baruch College) so I knew what everything was for the most part, but there's nothing like interning and the added pressure of “this is going out to a client.” Real life experiences are where you learn the most. I’m super thankful to have had the opportunity to interning with JMG PR.  


Now let's move on to why you’re still reading this blog: my journey as an Account Executive at JMG PR. Interning and working full time are completely different and if you know me, you know that I like to be prepared and be ready to do all tasks from day one. Needless to say, I hate transition periods. However, that is just not possible when you are starting a new job with so much to learn. Working here made it easier for me, because with every step I took there was someone there to help me through it. One thing Jenna always says is “we aren’t doing brain surgery,” and the pressure is on for anyone that wants to be a brain surgeon. While our goal is to do an amazing job, mistakes do happen because we are human. 

Now after almost a year as a full time employee I can look back and recognize all the wonderful things I have done for all of my clients. One of my favorite moments was getting two clients into Univision, and if you are Hispanic you definitely know what is Univision. For those who don’t know, it is basically the number one place most, if not all, Hispanics get their news and entertainment. The moment one of those clients almost started crying over Zoom because this was fulfilling one of her dreams was eye opening for me. To be able to be a part of the news cycle and to know exactly who is receiving your clients’ message is empowering as well as a privilege.

I think it is important for anyone to think about where and who you come from, and to have that translate into your work. If I had ignored my knowledge of Univision, I would've never been able to have, not only two very grateful clients, but also the opportunity to share their message to Univision’s viewers. Working in Public Relations, people tend to forget that every media hit you receive is being published and put forth onto viewers, impacting their lives. That is something I am grateful for. Here at JMG PR, we love getting media hits of course, but we think about people as more than just views or opportunities.


5 Tips to Make the Most out of a Remote Internship