Why I Love PR

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Anyone who works in PR can attest to the fact that it’s fast-paced, competitive, at times stressful, and not for the faint of heart. Yet it’s a business those in it can’t get enough of, including myself. I can’t imagine being a part of any other profession; it’s an ever evolving industry that promises to never leave you bored, instead, it leaves you feeling energized, especially when a project you've been working on comes together. I’m sure it’s the same for other professionals working in a client driven environment; results equal happy clients and that lets me know I’ve not only done my job, I’ve done it well. As I approach my third year running JMG PR, I can’t help but reflect on some of the reasons why I LOVE being a publicist.

1.   The People

Because PR is a business that requires you to work amongst a variety of people and personalities, it’s been a blessing for someone like myself who would most likely be described by those know me as an, “extroverted introvert.” Being a part of this business has given me the tools to learn how to be an extrovert and step out of my comfort zone and as a result, meet some really cool and interesting people. The connections you create help build your network and prove invaluable as time goes on. The world of PR is definitely a small one so it’s always important to be good to everyone you meet!

2. You’re Constantly Learning

In my line of work I am exposed to many different topics which allows me to learn and expand my knowledge. I’m constantly “in the know” and plugged in to pop culture and timely news. I thank PR for giving me the tools to be able to hold a conversation on any topic; it’s extremely helpful, and honestly, invaluable when it comes to networking and business.

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3. Helping to Build A Dream

I work specifically with a lot of founders and those who are in the early stages of getting their company off the ground. I find it extremely rewarding to help my clients build their dream, and in the process allow me to be a part of that growth.

4. There’s Never a Dull Moment

The work that we do as publicists varies daily so rarely are any two days alike. I love knowing when I arrive at the office that my morning most likely will be different than the one before. I’m not tied to my desk, just the opposite in fact. There are days when I’m in client meetings outside of the office for most of the day, or on set with a client as we introduce their brand to audiences. Other days I’m in the office crafting pitches, strategizing with a new company, writing press releases, working with various magazine editors on coverage, or planning an event for a client with my team. The tasks are expansive and ever changing. The one constant that never changes is the need for creativity and I love that no matter what it is I’m working on, I’m going to be challenged. The industry is constantly evolving which in turn requires me to do the same.

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5. Leading the Way

Not only do I have the opportunity to work with and watch my clients build their dream, I run a team consisting of young PR professionals who are doing the same, laying the foundation for their future and I have a front row seat. Being at the helm of JMG PR, I not only get to work with the best, I have the opportunity to give young professionals a channel for learning and growing, and hopefully they too will fall in love with PR!

Xo Jenna


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