Intern Diary: Kate

As I was trying to make the final decision about wanting to go into the Public Relations industry, I was doing some research on businesses, and was overwhelmed with what I saw. Many firms were just like each other, and there was not much that stood out to me. But when I found JMG PR, I was immediately hooked. It was clear to me there was a genuine interest, respect, and partnership with their clients. From what I could see, the team was so excited to be working for JMG. Thankfully, that is exactly what I found when I started my internship.

On the first day, I was not nervous, but excited for what was going to come. I had enjoyed getting the chance to speak with Jenna in my interview, and she had put me at ease that if I got the internship, what I had seen on their social media was what I was going to get. Through the onboarding process, the executives patiently showed us all the ropes. As an intern, everyone taking the time to meet and teach us about our jobs and theirs made me feel so connected and β€œin-the-know.” Then and now, everyone wanted us to succeed and thrive.

Throughout my time as an intern, I have learned and grown exponentially. I owe this to the whole JMG PR team, and most importantly my account executive, Erika. Learning from Erika was an opportunity that everyone should have, but not many people get. Each morning, she met me with a smiling face and excitement for the day. She was there for me with encouragement and a helping hand. Despite any mistakes I DEFINITELY made, she provided constant support with the tasks she gave me. Because of her trust and patience, I learned more than I thought possible in just a few months. Each day for me has been new and exciting, and I have felt like all my work had a purpose of making a difference for the clients.

When reminiscing about my favorite part of this experience, many things come to mind. The most fun, most likely for everyone, was Sip the Tea; a daily time to see friendly faces and gossip about celebrities, our favorite shows, and some days, our hair trouble ;). No matter what we talked about, I just loved getting to see an amazing group of women and just catch up.

Interning for JMG PR has been an incredibly fun and beneficial learning experience. This team has really taken the time to help us cultivate skills that have prepared us for our future outside of college. I know that I have made not only professional connections but friends as well. Leaving this internship with so much more than I had when I got here, I am grateful to both Erika and Jenna for this opportunity to grow!


Intern Diary: Maya


Intern Diary: Emma