Why Every College Student Should Do An Internship….Or Two
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Why Every College Student Should Do An Internship….Or Two

If there’s one thing I always tell the college students I meet is… do an internship! I cannot stress enough the importance of why every student should complete at least one, if not several, internships while still in school. The benefits are immense, and ultimately can lead you to employment, which is how I landed my first job just two weeks after graduation.

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Crafting the Perfect Pitch – Why First Impressions Are So Important
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Crafting the Perfect Pitch – Why First Impressions Are So Important

As literary great J.K. Rowling once said, “A good first impression can work wonders.” And that had me thinking about how important it is in business to bring authenticity to everything we do, and do it well, right from the start. Even before we land a client, we need to think about the approach, and the best way in which to highlight why we are the right fit.

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Running on Fumes? You're not alone. Here are 5 tips to get you through the day!
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Running on Fumes? You're not alone. Here are 5 tips to get you through the day!

As I was sitting in a taxi on my way back to the office, in NYC traffic no less, I found myself welcoming the lack of movement. I know that sounds crazy, especially since I, like many New Yorkers are always on the go, but the moment I got into the car I realized just how exhausted I was. Tired from a day of back to back meetings, and a week that felt like it was never ending, I thought to myself, ‘how nice is this to just be stagnant if only for a short time.’ And at that moment, when I slipped on my earbuds and put on some music to de-stress, I wondered, how do other professionals combat this feeling of fatigue?

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Why I Love PR
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Why I Love PR

Anyone who works in PR can attest to the fact that it’s fast-paced, competitive, at times stressful, and not for the faint of heart. Yet it’s a business those in it can’t get enough of, including myself. I can’t imagine being a part of any other profession; it’s an ever evolving industry that promises to never leave you bored, instead, it leaves you feeling energized, especially when a project you've been working on comes together. I’m sure it’s the same for other professionals working in a client driven environment; results equal happy clients and that lets me know I’ve not only done my job, I’ve done it well. As I approach my third year running JMG PR, I can’t help but reflect on some of the reasons why I LOVE being a publicist.

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Myths and Misconceptions About the Life of a PR Professional
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Myths and Misconceptions About the Life of a PR Professional

As an outsider looking in, the thought of what life as a PR professional entails is mostly based off of what the media portrays, that of glitz and glamour, and little, if at all, does it spotlight the tedious work that goes on behind the scenes to help grow and elevate a client’s brand.

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Advice for All of Our SecretLife PR Girls
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Advice for All of Our SecretLife PR Girls

In the three years I’ve been running JMG PR, I’ve fielded countless questions from PR hopefuls looking to make their mark. There’s the natural curiosity of how to get started, what skills are needed, what to expect in this business, to how I got my start.

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Four Women Who Changed the Face of Public Relations
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Four Women Who Changed the Face of Public Relations

We are in an age of feminism: we see “I Am a Feminist” written on t-shirts in successful fashion campaigns. There are pins, buttons, and Instagram captions. Many young women and girls look up to prominent female figures such as Barbara Walters, Oprah, Michelle Obama, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Emma Watson. But with these proclamations of love for powerful women, we often forget about those working behind the scenes to help get their powerful messages out there: PR Girls. So I’ve compiled a list of four influential women from the world of public relations that deserve recognition. You go, girls!

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Welcome to #SecretLifeofaPRGirl!
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Welcome to #SecretLifeofaPRGirl!

Welcome to the first post on #SecretLifeofaPRGirl! This blog will tell you all you need to know about public relations, including all the behind the scenes work that isn’t often shown anywhere else. You can expect to hear from team members, interns, and industry experts about what makes PR such an exciting and fascinating business to be in. To get started, here’s a little bit inside of my own lifestyle as a PR girl.

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