My Journey with JMG PR: Officially a #PRGirl
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

My Journey with JMG PR: Officially a #PRGirl

As National Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close I thought it would be right to share my journey as a Dominican in NYC (there are a lot of us) with JMG PR.Like most aspiring publicists, everything started with an internship. I had the benefit of interning at JMG PR before working here. That is actually one of the best pieces of advice I can give anyone: if you’re lucky enough, intern at the place you want to work for.

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5 Tips to Make the Most out of a Remote Internship
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

5 Tips to Make the Most out of a Remote Internship

It’s officially fall, which means that fall internship season is in full swing. Obtaining and navigating internships can be tough. When you add in a pandemic and the need for remote work on top, and you may be wondering how to make a remote internship count. We spoke with our team and reflected on our own internship program to share ways to make the most out of a remote internship experience. Here are our top 5 tips that can help you succeed at your internship.

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The Internship Experience During COVID-19
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

The Internship Experience During COVID-19

Many students are hesitant to apply for internships that are remote because they are unsure if they would be getting the “full internship experience” or they wonder if they would learn the same skills that they would be if they were working in a company building. While most in-person internships have been cancelled, businesses are still working hard and adapting to give interns professional experience from home during the pandemic.

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Expectation vs Reality - What’s Your Perception?
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Expectation vs Reality - What’s Your Perception?

By now we’ve all seen the growing trend on Instagram of this “Expectation vs. Reality” where people are posting their most “perfect” photo and contrasting it with the “realistic” version. What that realty consists of may vary, maybe it’s a sneeze, a hair out of place, eyes shut, or just a silly moment caught on camera. But the beauty of these things in our day and age is the fact that those “photo mess-ups” can instantly be fixed with another shot, or even a filter, if it’s something a filter can take care of.

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Pitch Revamp: Making Something Old New Again
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Pitch Revamp: Making Something Old New Again

Over the last few months as a publicist, I’ve come to understand that pitching is the core component of the job. Perfectly crafting the best angle that suits your client, aligns with a journalist’s needs and is newsworthy takes time, patience and serious editing. It can often seem impossible to do but as the great Audrey Hepburn once said, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible.”

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Breaking Down Some of PR’s Most Popular Terms
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Breaking Down Some of PR’s Most Popular Terms

While college is definitely one of the places where most of us began to learn about our desired profession, it’s safe to say that not everything we learned was in the classroom. A lot of the knowledge we absorb comes from being “on the job” and in the “thick of things.” That’s not to say you shouldn’t attend school and study your craft; after all, knowledge is power, something we can never have too much of.

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My First Month as a #PRGirl
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

My First Month as a #PRGirl

My first month as a PR girl has been nothing short of evolutionary. I studied Public Relations in college; I took all the courses, wrote all of the mock press releases, the mock pitches, I did the internships, participated in the clubs and the PRSSA and immersed myself in every lick of experience I could get my hands on. I knew PR was what I wanted my career to be. It was my dream to be a publicist ever since I took my first introductory PR class and I looked for opportunities everywhere.

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Planning the Perfect Red Carpet Event: A Behind the Scenes Look
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Planning the Perfect Red Carpet Event: A Behind the Scenes Look

With any red-carpet event comes the usual glitz and glamour. To anyone looking in on the outside, these kinds of events always look like so much fun, and trust me, they are! But before that first celebrity steps out onto that carpet, a lot of work and preparation has to happen in order to make the event a success.

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