Intern Diaries: Jamie G.
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Intern Diaries: Jamie G.

There are not enough words to express how grateful I am for the experiences I got from interning at JMG Public Relations. My school doesn’t offer a PR major, so coming in I was clueless. My first day, Jenna asked me to do a mockup and I had no idea what that even was or where to start. Lucky for me, I was the last of the summer interns to arrive, so I had two amazing women to guide me through it.

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Intern Diaries: Diana E.
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Intern Diaries: Diana E.

Interning for JMG Public Relations has been a true honor. I entered the company with certain expectations and they were exceeded every single time. From the company culture to the work/life balance to the overall learning experience. Being that this internship was not my first, I still managed to learn a lot. No day was like the other at JMG PR, we took on the day with whatever was to be prioritized first which kept things interesting.

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Intern Diaries: Victoria S.
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Intern Diaries: Victoria S.

As my time at JMGPR is coming to end, I reflect on my experience here and can't believe that I made it. My first day at JMG Public Relations was nothing short of exciting and nerve-wracking. Waking up in the morning, getting ready for the day and actually walking in and working was exactly what I've been looking forward to since finding out I was going to have my first internship.

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Intern Diaries: Kelsey T. N.
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Intern Diaries: Kelsey T. N.

Walking into the office was nerve-wracking. Nerves I didn’t even know I had were trembling, twisting my stomach into knots. I had been preparing for this day since November, when I heard back that I was going to intern with Jenna. I had chosen my outfit days before, packed my bag the previous night, and barely slept.

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Intern Diaries: Mina Z.
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Intern Diaries: Mina Z.

The knots in my stomach were evident as I walked into the office building for the first time. At that moment, I felt more unprepared and anxious than I had ever been. I was not sure what to expect because I had not met Jenna or had previous Public Relations experience before that very Monday. As I waited for Jenna on the yellow couch in the lobby, I had a brief moment of self-doubt. Being aware of my subpar creativity skills and my quiet nature, I was not confident that I would survive in the World of Public Relations.

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Intern Diaries: Grace A.
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Intern Diaries: Grace A.

Interning at JMG has been a very unique experience. This was my first internship and I had no clue what to expect but on my first day I was pleased with the work and atmosphere presented to me. I now feel like I know a lot about Public Relations and how to successfully handle clients.

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Intern Diaries: Jenna B.
Jenna Guarneri Jenna Guarneri

Intern Diaries: Jenna B.

As my time as a JMG Public Relations intern comes to an end, I am so thankful for everything I have learned over the past few months. From researching different clients to creating Instagram posts and everything in between, JMG has taught me incredible ideas and things that I will carry with me into my career in public relations. Not only have I gained an endless amount of professional experience but I have become confident that public relations is the right field for me. Being able to have the opportunity to experience a public relations firm first hand has been invaluable and will be something I am always grateful for.

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